Get Involved
EVIndia is a non-profit "For-Impact" organizational setup...
EVINDIA is proudly upgrading its scope and full form shall be.
Environmental Vehicles (EVINDIA.ORG)
We are open for any number of voluntary people to join in officially.
We will be growing very very slow...
With every step we will have lot of experience and clarity which will make the Brand thrive and build right products.
No interests of monetary profits but real-time environmental and public (organizational) profit.
Also this group and Brand have people from multiple EV MNCs so... its hard to define as if we will bring in an EV in competition...
But we will build Frameworks, Research papers, plug and play kits, simulators, come out with good and helpful Insights to help all.
Join the revolution at [email protected]
Propagating the EV Thought in India
Propagating the EV Thought in IndiaCost effective Mobility Solution for Future Generations that has cleaner environmentFacebook Group: Group:, Brands, Challenges, Opportunities here:
Propagating the EV Thought in India
Cost effective Mobility Solution for Future Generations that has cleaner environment
Facebook Group:
LinkedIN Group:
Discuss, Brands, Challenges, Opportunities here:
Get Involved
Reviewed by ADCORP
April 17, 2020
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